Attitudes of High School Students towards Volleyball and Its Place in Their Daily Lives

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  • Büşra AYDEMİR



volleyball, attitude towards volleyball, high school students, daliy life


Volleyball is a branch that aims to develop an individual's personality, intelligence, desire to struggle and work in groups, and to increase self-confidence. With the realization of the said purpose of the volleyball branch, this branch can also affect the daily lives of high school students. Based on this idea, this study aimed to examine the attitudes of high school students towards volleyball and the place of volleyball in their daily lives. Within the scope of this purpose, the attitudes of high school students towards volleyball were examined according to the gender variable and the place of volleyball in the daily lives of the students was examined. Sequential exploratory mixed design was used in the research. The participant group of the research consists of 108 high school students studying in high schools within the provincial borders of Ağrı. Statistical data of the study were collected with Volleyball Attitude Scale and qualitative data were collected with a semi-structured interview form developed by the researcher. Statistical data were analyzed with the Mann Whitney U test, one of the non-parametric tests. Qualitative data were analyzed by descriptive analysis method. As a result of the study, it was determined that the attitudes of high school students towards volleyball did not differ statistically significantly according to the gender variable. In the study, it was also determined that students see volleyball as a branch that contributes to their daily lives. Within the scope of the results reached at the end of the study, suggestions were made that studies with larger participant groups could be conducted to investigate the attitudes of high school students towards volleyball and the place of volleyball in their daily lives.


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How to Cite

AYDEMİR, B. (2023). Attitudes of High School Students towards Volleyball and Its Place in Their Daily Lives. International Journal of Progression and Development in Education (ijpade) , 1(1), 94–108.



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