Attitudes of Secondary Students at Schools with Transported Education to the Social Studies Course

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  • Halil ÖZDEMİR



Transported education, secondary school students, social studies course, student attitudes


Transported education is a part of social life for students living in settlements without school. The social studies course includes all aspects of the social life of primary and secondary school students. This study, which aims to examine how transported education shapes students' attitudes toward the social studies course, was carried out based on the scope mentioned earlier. A sequential explanatory design from the mixed research method was used in the study. In the participant group of the study, a total of 198 students studying in a secondary school providing transported education in Erzurum, Turkey, took place. The data of the study, in which statistical and qualitative data were collected together, were collected through scale and semi-structured interview form. Kruskal Wallis, one of the non-parametric statistical tests, was used in the analysis of statistical data, and content analysis was used in qualitative data analysis. In the study, it was determined that the scores of the participants' attitudes toward the social studies course did not differ according to the class variable. In the study, it was also determined that the students had positive opinions about transported education, and they thought that transported education was a helpful structure for them to socialize and gain knowledge and skills about daily life. Various suggestions have been developed depending on the results of the study.


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How to Cite

ÖZDEMİR, H. (2023). Attitudes of Secondary Students at Schools with Transported Education to the Social Studies Course. International Journal of Progression and Development in Education (ijpade) , 1(1), 44–61.



Research Articles