Examining the challenges parents face of students with special needs in special education and rehabilitation centres: Example of Van Province

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Students with special needs, parents, special education and rehabilitation centers, challenges encountered


This research has been conducted to determine the difficulties faced by parents of students with special needs in Special Education and Rehabilitation Centers. The research was written in the context of a qualitative research method, based on the phenomenology/phenomenology pattern, which is a qualitative research pattern. The research study has been carried out with the parents of individuals with special needs, actively attending 15 different Special Education and Rehabilitation centres in the central districts of Van province, İpekyolu, Tuşba and Edremit. Criterion sampling, one of the purposeful sampling types, was used. Data has been gathered with the participation of 15 individuals via semi-structured interview forms by making use of one of the qualitative research data collection techniques called the interview technique. Data analysis of the research has been done with descriptive analysis. Regarding the difficulties encountered by the participants in the Special Education and Rehabilitation Center, different findings and conclusions have been reached such as a lack of special education teachers, the problem of adaptation with non-special education teachers, the insufficiency of individual and group training, the insufficient supervision for institutions and the quality of education, the inability to establish effective communication with parents,  considering students with special needs as financial gain, and constant teacher turnover. This research is important in terms of minimizing the difficulties faced by parents of special needs students in Special Education and Rehabilitation Centers. It is recommended to increase the inspections of institutions looking at the results of this study.


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How to Cite

MENGİ, A., & ERGİNOĞUZ, H. (2024). Examining the challenges parents face of students with special needs in special education and rehabilitation centres: Example of Van Province. International Journal of Progression and Development in Education (ijpade) , 2(1), 11–28. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11079725



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