Artificial Intelligence Applications Used In Education

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artificial intelligence, education, artificial intelligence applications in education


Artificial intelligence is one of the most important technologies of today's world. As in many fields, the use of artificial intelligence technology in education is becoming widespread. Factors such as easier access to information, access to more data and more effective results in a short time, the need for personalized education programs are some of the reasons that support the use of artificial intelligence in education. The aim of this study is to share the contributions of artificial intelligence to education and to gather artificial intelligence tools that can be used in the educational environment. In this review study, artificial intelligence tools used in education were investigated and compiled into a meaningful whole. Classifying these tools according to the fields they are used in avoids confusion while guiding the users. As a result, it is predicted that artificial intelligence will take more place in human life in the future as it is a rapidly developing technology. Artificial intelligence tools offer innovative approaches in education and provide great benefits to teachers and students. These tools make educational processes more effective and efficient, while providing students with a personalized learning experience.


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How to Cite

MARANGOZ, M. (2024). Artificial Intelligence Applications Used In Education. International Journal of Progression and Development in Education (ijpade) , 2(2), 26–39.


